The First Day 8/15/08

By Paige
Well, the first day of school was better than I expected. Each student was very well behaved and we were able to cover some remedial math, reading, and penmanship together. I could not have asked for a better day. The new students seemed to fit right in with the returning students and we all acclimated to the 6th grade well! I want to blog daily to keep parents and students informed on the classroom and the events of the school.

There are a few things I want to remind everyone of:
*Homework will be given on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of each week.
*Homework and tests/quizzes will be written down in the planners--so parents double check these!
*Planners and books should be brought to class daily.
*Each student was provided with 3 folders full of paper to keep ALL their assignments in---no loose papers will be turned in! ALL work will be graded in the notebooks!

Looking forward to a great year and excited about a new week full of surprises!

---Mrs. Gordon

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