Back to Normal 9/29/08
Today our class returned to a sense of normal. We went back over several things the students completed while I was absent last week. We are starting fractions in math, so it is important that each student know their multiplication tables fluently. Please help them brush up on these skills. Also, we have more tests and quizzes than usual this week, because I wanted to review with the students. I did not want them to feel pressured or unprepared while a substitute teacher was present in the classroom.
I will try to be conscious of the amount of homework I assign this week, so students can fully prepare for their tests and quizzes. Report cards go out shortly after the fall break, so I would like for the students to have adequate time to improve their grades.
History Test (study guide given)
English Test (study guide given)
Math Test
Science Test (open book)
Penmanship Test
Bible Memory Verse Test
Spelling Test
History Quiz
I will try to be conscious of the amount of homework I assign this week, so students can fully prepare for their tests and quizzes. Report cards go out shortly after the fall break, so I would like for the students to have adequate time to improve their grades.
History Test (study guide given)
English Test (study guide given)
Math Test
Science Test (open book)
Penmanship Test
Bible Memory Verse Test
Spelling Test
History Quiz