New Day 09/09/2008

By Paige
We changed seating arrangements today and I think most of the students really like the new positions in the classroom. We were able to accomplish a pretty good bit of work today and we will be doing some work with our newspapers tomorrow. I love the newspapers and doing fun, educational activities. Overall, I believe the year is going well and the students are responding well to the classroom routine, the work and each other.

I have been very proud of the students' progress with the planners, the notebooks, and the teamwork.

There are a few things that I want to remind you about:
1---Please make sure you join the PTP or the GTP---the first class who has 100% participation will win a pizza party and our class has about 75% participation now.
2---There is a PTP meeting next Tuesday, September 16th at 6:30 p.m., Your child's progress report will be given to you at the meeting. Otherwise, they will get it on Wednesday, when they return to school.
3---I will be out of town on Thursday and Friday of this week. Sherry Merritt will be taking care of the class in my absence. I will be giving out the study guides for the tests/quizzes tomorrow. Please make sure you help your child study, I won't be there to assist them during the tests.

Thanks for being so great and allowing me to be apart of your child's life!

--Mrs. Gordon

1 comment so far.

  1. dp September 15, 2008 at 10:17 AM
    I love the blog. You are doing a great job. Please show me how to post pictures on mine!

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