Fun Day 8/21/08
Well today was an interesting day at best. We started off the day with no air conditioning. I was afraid at first the students would complain and the situation would be difficult to deal with, but we turned on all the fans and opened the door and the students were AMAZING! I was so proud of how mature they were in handling the ordeal. The air was repaired in a couple of hours and the day was saved!
We were able to fine tune the schedule a bit more today and efficiently use class time. Each student should now have five folders for each individual subject: math, language, spelling/bible, history, and science as well as a journal (spiral notebook--Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Garcia!) The students are really beginning to get the cadence of 6th grade work. There will be four tests/quizzes tomorrow and I believe every student is prepared for them. We will have penmanship (written), bible memory verse (oral), and spelling (written) in the morning and then the science quiz in the afternoon.
Today's homework is:
*Finish History page 11 (both the comp check and chapter 1 checkup)
*Finish the five funny story ideas for Reading in the journal
*Study for all the tests for tomorrow
As always can't wait for tomorrow and all of its surprises! Feel free to comment on these blogs, call me or email me anytime.
--Mrs. Gordon
I think that that was a little stretched. LOL we are never AMAZING
thanks AGAIN,