Maniac Monday 8/25/08

By Paige
Today was a typical Monday. We were all dragging a bit and trying to get acclimated back into the routine of school. Many of the students were unable to finish all of their classwork, so there was homework that should have been completed. I think the day was pretty good overall though. There have been several parents to call, email, or comment on this blog with suggestions, issues, or just comments. I appreciate all communication with my students and their parents! Please always feel free to contact me whenever and speak freely.

The tests/quizzes for the week are as follows:
Math Quiz 1
Language Test 1

History Quiz 2

Science Quiz 2

Penmanship Test 2
Bible Memory Verse Test (oral)
Spelling Test (list 2)
Science Test 1

The memory verse for the week is Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

---Mrs. Gordon

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