Work Begins 8/26/08

By Paige
Well, today has been a little crazy. The Abeka and Bob Jones curriculum are written on a college preparatory level, which is a little more challenging for some students. Many students were a little shocked today by the Math Quiz and the Language Test. Most of the students did very well on the Math and I have not graded all the Language Tests yet. I have put the Math quizzes into the Tuesday folder. Please look at the papers and return to me with the folder signed tomorrow. Thanks. I know that some parents have been concerned because we are moving so quickly. Please make sure that your child is writing down all of their homework and test/quiz information in their planner daily. I am going to try and follow behind the students more closely to make sure they are writing down all of their homework, whether it is finished or not. I will give as much advance warning as possible about upcoming tests and quizzes as I can. Please help your students to remember to write everything down, as we are preparing for Middle School next year.

The homework for tonight is:
write a sentence with each spelling word
write definitions for the words that were on the board
read pages 31-36 if you did not finish in class
finish map skills page 7
Do comprehension check on page 21

Looking forward to a great rest of the week--please make note of the tests/quizzes for the rest of the week that were on yesterday's blog. Thanks.

--Mrs. Gordon

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